Bothered by Hot Flashes? Hormonal Optimization Can Help

Hot flashes can leave you drenched in sweat at any time of the day or night. They’re a common symptom of menopause, with about 8 in 10 women experiencing them, but they don’t just affect women in their 40s and 50s.
Hot flashes are a hallmark of menopause, but they can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance at any age. Other common causes of hormonal imbalance include giving birth and certain illnesses, but whatever the cause, hot flashes can severely limit your enjoyment of life.
At OB/GYN Specialists in Denton, Texas, Daniel McDonald, MD, Marc Wilson, MD, and our team are proud to offer hormone optimization services to help minimize hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms of hormone imbalance. If you’re bothered by hot flashes, it’s time to learn more about how hormone optimization could work for you.
Hot flashes and hormonal imbalance
The two main female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are linked to sexual function, metabolism, bone density, and more.
Estrogen and progesterone levels naturally begin declining when you’re in your 30s, eventually triggering perimenopause and menopause once you reach your 40s and 50s. Certain other factors, like pregnancy and childbirth or an illness, can cause hormone levels to fluctuate, too.
When female hormone levels drop, many women suffer hot flashes, or periods of intense overheating. Hot flashes are one of the earliest signs of perimenopause, and they last an average of seven years.
Hot flashes generally begin with a heated sensation that spreads on your face, neck, and chest. You might start sweating, and the hot flash may last anywhere from one to five minutes at a time.
Some women experience hot flashes triggered by hormonal imbalance a couple of times a week, while others may suffer hot flashes dozens of times a day. Frequent hot flashes can be bothersome, and severe hot flashes can quickly begin impacting your quality of life.
Hormonal optimization for hot flashes
Hormonal optimization addresses negative symptoms of menopause and hormonal imbalance by effectively replacing the hormones your body is missing. It balances hormone levels to help you feel like yourself again.
Different types of hormones are available to treat different imbalances, but Dr. McDonald and Dr. Wilson typically prescribe a combination of estrogen and progesterone or estrogen-only supplements for women suffering from hot flashes.
Hormone optimization is tailored to fit your needs, and our team performs a panel of tests to evaluate your hormone levels. The doctors prescribe a dosage to give you adequate relief from hot flashes and other symptoms, and the delivery method is based on your symptoms and lifestyle.
We offer hormone therapy in the form of oral tablets, skin patches, pellets, and topical creams. Once you and your doctor find a treatment method and dosage that are right for you, you’ll notice a significant lessening in the frequency and duration of your hot flashes.
Expect to stay in touch with our team while you’re on hormonal optimization. Your needs may change over time, and we’re here to ensure you’re getting the most out of your hormone therapy without suffering the negative side effects of hormonal imbalance.
You shouldn’t have to live with bothersome hot flashes. Call us today at 940-202-0566 to schedule your first appointment at OB/GYN Specialists in our Denton, Texas, office to find out if hormonal optimization could be right for you. You can also send the team a message here on our website.
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