What's in Your Customized Fertility Plan?

Infertility is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Struggling to get pregnant takes a mental, emotional, and physical toll on couples, and at OB/GYN Specialists, we believe there’s a better way.
Daniel McDonald, MD, Marc Wilson, MD, and our team take a personalized approach to fertility care. Because we understand how painful dealing with infertility can be, we offer customized fertility plans to help you grow your family in a way that feels comfortable for you.
With the goal of helping you conceive naturally at the center of what we do, here’s what you can expect when you seek fertility support at OB/GYN Specialists.
Your fertility evaluation
Whether you’re trying for your first baby or you already have children, your fertility plan starts with an evaluation. Up to 15% of couples in the United States struggle with infertility, and there are many possible causes.
About one-third of the time, female infertility is the cause. Male infertility accounts for another third, and the remaining third is due to a combination of factors or unclear causes. The goal of your evaluation is to identify what’s behind your infertility, so it can be addressed.
We begin with a comprehensive review of your medical history, including any past pregnancies and miscarriages. We perform a physical exam and pelvic exam, and we may order additional testing based on what we find.
Some women need blood tests to check for certain hormones essential to the reproductive process. Other tests, like ultrasound or hysterosalpingogram, can help our team identify any physical issues with your reproductive system.
Men should also have fertility evaluations. As part of your evaluation, Dr. McDonald and Dr. Wilson can talk with you and your partner about the types of fertility testing he should get.
Your fertility treatment options
After your evaluation, we review our findings with you. Many types of infertility are treatable, and the best fertility plan for you depends on your diagnosis.
If your bloodwork or medical history indicate that you don’t ovulate regularly, Dr. McDonald and Dr. Wilson may prescribe hormones to stimulate ovulation. The medication is available in oral pills or injections, and regular ovulation can make it easier to get pregnant.
If we identified a gynecological condition interfering with your reproductive process, minimally invasive surgery may be able to help. Dr. McDonald and Dr. Wilson can use surgery to fix conditions like blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, uterine scarring, and endometriosis.
If you’re generally healthy, then your infertility may be linked to your partner’s health. In these cases, treating the cause of his infertility can increase your chances of conceiving.
Effective fertility treatment starts with understanding your body and your needs. To learn more about infertility care at OB/GYN Specialists, send us a message online or call our Denton, Texas, office at 940-202-0566.
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